10, Wunda Street, Dromana, Victoria, 3936
Home Care
NDIS Assistance with Daily Living
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for various supports to help individuals with disabilities live more independently and participate fully in their communities. One of these essential supports is Assistance with Daily Living. This core support is designed to help NDIS participants manage everyday tasks and routines that they
might find challenging due to their disability. Whether it is getting dressed, preparing meals, or maintaining personal hygiene, Assistance with Daily Living ensures that participants can live their lives with dignity and ease.Assistance with Daily Living is crucial for enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Assistance with activities such as showering, dressing, grooming, and toileting helps maintain personal hygiene and boosts self-confidence while help with cleaning, laundry, and other household chores keeps the living environment safe and comfortable for the participant. Understanding the scope and flexibility of the NDIS Assistance with Daily Living can help the participant to maximise its benefits.

What You Need to Know
  • Eligibility: To receive funding for Assistance with Daily Living, it must be deemed
    ‘reasonable and necessary’ by the NDIS. This means the support must be related to
    the participant’s disability and necessary for them to achieve their goals.
  • Flexibility:The Core Supports budget, which includes Assistance with Daily Living, is highly flexible, allowing participants to move funds across various support categories based on their needs. This adaptability helps optimise support to suit individual circumstances. However, some restrictions, such as those related to transport funding, may apply.
How We Can Help You
At Amber Health Care, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to live their best lives. Our Assistance with Daily Living services are designed to provide the support you need to manage daily tasks confidently and independently.
Personalised Support Plans
We work closely with you to develop a personalised support plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Our plans are flexible and can be adjusted as your circumstances change.
Experienced Support Workers
Our support workers are highly trained and experienced in providing care and assistance to individuals with disabilities. We prioritise building trusting relationships to ensure you feel comfortable and supported.
Comprehensive Assistance
From personal care and meal preparation to household tasks and community participation, we offer a wide range of support services to help you with every aspect of daily living.
Focus on Independence
Our goal is to help you achieve greater independence by providing the necessarysupport while encouraging and empowering you to take control of your life. Over time, we aim to empower our participants to independently manage their daily living tasks.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you live more independently and achieve your goals.