Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Amber Health Care is a registered SDA provider and has a list of SDA properties to meet your needs. We will guide you choose the right specialist disability accommodation (SDA) from our list of SDA properties. These properties are specially designed for individuals with disabilities. Moreover, in these properties, you will get the assistance you require as a participant. So, whether you are looking for a fully accessible, high physical support or robust SDA property.  If you are looking for assistance with daily living or help with community participation in the SDA accommodation AHC can help you. supported independent living (SIL) in a SDA accommodation, we can help you with the same. You will get all the assistance required to live independently in the property we recommended or you choose. Be it moving around, completing household chores, or even travelling to places, we are here to provide you with the support that you require.

Specialist Disability Accommodation Suited to Your Needs

If you are looking for tailored specialist disability accommodation (SDA) you are at the right place. We will suggest suitable properties only after assessing your requirements.

The specialist disability accommodation (SDA) that we recommend are fully approved and have all the features to make your life convenient. These include fully accessible, access to storage spaces, etc. Moreover, these properties have parking lots right next to them to make accessing disability transport easier.

Our support workers will not only help you with various tasks in these accommodations but also keep you under supervision for additional safety. They are competent and can handle emergencies efficiently with ongoing training. So, when we are around, you will indeed get peace of mind.

USPs of our Specialist Disability Accommodation
Get in touch with us if you are looking for supported accommodations since
  • We will recommend properties as per your preferences and match participants to achieve their goals.
  • We have support workers who will help you with all types of tasks in our supported accommodation.
  • We will assist you with various activities 24/7 on the property
  • Our accommodations are disability-friendly to meet your needs and are developed as per Australian standards
Do you want to discuss supported accommodations with us? Call us now.
To book an appointment with us regarding supported accommodation, give us a call or send us an email with your queries.